Become a partner

Franchisees wanted for the following areas in Sweden

 – Malmö

 – Helsingborg

 – Linköping

 – Gävle

 – Umeå

Do you have an interest in working with cosmetic treatments (PRP, hair transplantation)? Are you ready to take the next step?

Are you searching for a partner with broad experience and strong dedication?

Then the opportunity as a Franchisee at 85 Clinic might be the right challenge for you!

As a franchisee, you are offered unique conditions for success. Our accumulated experiences have led us to an approach that encompasses commitment, innovation, care, and most importantly, business acumen.

This has resulted in satisfied, secure, and returning customers. As a leading hair clinic, 85 Clinic can offer you all the advantages of a large company.

Who are we looking for?

We are now seeking individuals who are motivated to exceed customer expectations while enjoying challenging themselves.

Note: You, as a Franchisee, must be (or employ) a doctor, dentist, or nurse to perform injection treatments.


We look forward to receiving your application, including your CV and personal letter. Naturally, we treat your contact confidentially. For all candidates who progress in the process, we will conduct a background check.

For inquiries: Contact Jeff Saei at 072 – 833 03 57 or

Other services


Gratis konsultation

85kliniken erbjuder gratis konsultation. På konsultationen får du veta mer om oss och vår behandlingsmetod och vi svarar på alla dina frågor och förklarar hur vi kan hjälpa dig med ditt håravfall.

Vad kostar det?

Det exakta priset avgörs av behandlingens omfattning och om den kombineras med annan behandling. Innan behandlingen inleds får du en prisuppgift av din behandlare eller konsult.


Önskar du att delbetala beloppet, finns en rad möjligheter:

– Medical Finance, som vi samarbetat med en längre tid, erbjuder lån upp till 30 000kr i två år. Låt Medical Finance hjälpa dig med finansieringen av din operation.
– Human Finance, med sin fokusering på hälsa och vård, vill underlätta det för människor att få den behandling som man önskar.
– Lendo, hjälper med ett bra lån genom att samla de bästa bankerna på en plats.